Food & Adventures

Monday, 23 April 2018

Monday Munchies: Sticky Beef Burritos

A while ago I posted about how every now and then we love to have a family Burrito bar at home where me, Mrs. Cool and the kids can all design our own Burritos (You can read that here). I've decided to revisit a burrito recipe and share one that is a bit more for grown ups, it is so easy and will only take about 20 mins from start to finish.

This recipe serves 2 and you will need:

250g Beef Mince
100g Rice
Strong Cheese (I used cheddar and you can use as much as you want)
1 Tomato
1 Lime
1 Little Gem Lettuce
25g Honey
1 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 tsp Dried Chilli Flakes
1tbsp Chipotle paste
Tortilla Wraps (either 6 small or 4 regular).


Put 175ml of cold water in a pan on a high heat and add the rice, once it's boiling turn the heat down and leave for 15 minutes or until the water has all been absorbed.

Next heat some oil in a frying pan, add the beef and season with salt and pepper. As the beef browns break it up with a spoon or spatula.

Add the paprika and chilli flakes to the beef and cook for 1 minute, in the meantime chop the tomato and add this along with the honey, chipotle paste and squeeze in half the juice of half the lime, cook this for another few mins until it is all sticky.

Warm the tortillas in the oven for a few minutes, shred the lettuce and grate the cheese.

Finally it's time to build your Burrito, start by putting rice on your tortilla, then add the beef and then the lettuce and cheese. If you want you can also add some sour cream or guacamole.

Buen Provecho




  1. These look delicious - we do the same thing with fajitas and use turkey breast to keep it lean. Your tortillas look much crispier than ours though!

  2. These sound amazing! Give me a nice cold cider and sounds like a perfect summer evening!


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