Food & Adventures

Monday, 15 August 2016

Monday Munchies: Perfect Picnic Spelt and Lamb Meatballs

Every couple of weeks we get a food box from Gousto. You order the meals you want and all of the ingredients and a recipe card are delivered to your door. The produce is always good quality and I've been impressed with all of the recipes we have had so far.

Here is one of my recent favourites, Perfect Picnic Spelt with Lamb Meatballs.


200g of british lamb mince
1 beef stock cube
2 garlic cloves
10g of fresh tarragon
1 british free range egg
150g of organic greek yoghurt
30g of dried cranberries
120g of spelt
1 tsp of ground cumin seeds
1 tsp of ground coriander seeds
1 tsp of lemony sumac
30g of panko breadcrumbs
1 spring onion

The Method:

This is ridiculously easy to make. First put the spelt in a pan of boiling water and leave it for around 20 minutes. In the meantime roughly chop the cranberries and garlic cloves and put them in a large mixing bowl. Crumble in the stock cube with the lamb mince, breadcrumbs, egg, cumin, coriander and 2/3 of the sumac.

Mash all of the ingredients together with your hands and mould it into 6 meatballs (or you can probably get away with making 8 smaller meatballs).

Put the meatballs onto an oiled baking tray and cook in the oven for 15 minutes at 220ºC (200ºC fan). Whilst these are cooking finely chop the tarragon (including stalks) and the spring onion  and mix the yoghurt with 1 tbsp of olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

By now the spelt and meatballs should be done. Stir the tarragon and spring onion into the spelt and season with salt and pepper (to make the spelt extra unctuous stir in a tbsp of olive oil). Spread the spelt out onto a plate and put a helping of the yoghurt on top and then the meatballs on top of the yoghurt. Sprinkle on the rest of the sumac for garnish.

This is a delicious meal and not too heavy so works great for a lunch or (as the title suggest) it can be taken as a picnic snack as an alternative to soggy cucumber sandwiches.

Well, that's all for now.



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