Food & Adventures

Monday, 21 November 2016

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 5 "Go Getters"

As much as The Saviours are the bad guys I do like Simon, maybe it's because Steven Ogg who plays him was Trevor in GTA V. His grin is as infectious as a bite from a walker but, man, can he turn sinister when he need to. He is definitely channelling his inner Negan when he is intimidating Gregory in his study.

I'm also really enjoying Jesus right now. The scene when the walkers entered Hilltop shows the boy has some skills. It seems he has kind of coasted though the apocalypse so far but now needs to step up. Although he has only been in a few episodes he is going to become an important character especially when the inevitable rebellion against Negan comes.

This episode also shows how strong of a character Maggie is. Having just lost her husband and nearly lost her baby, at deaths door for weeks she is now getting back to her best. After the conversation she has with Sasha and Jesus I think it's obvious that Maggie will become the leader of Hilltop.

Gregory, the current leader of Hilltop, is not a good leader, he is a coward and only really has his own interests at heart. His face when he realised he had lost his Scotch when he tried to sell out Maggie and Sasha was priceless. Once Maggie usurps his position he will not hesitate to sell everyone out toNegan.

Well, that's all for now.



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