Food & Adventures

Monday, 2 January 2017

Monday Munchies: Christmas Leftover Pie

What do you do with all the left overs from Christmas Dinner. Make turkey sandwiches for a month? Make soup or a curry? My favourite is to bung it all in a pie, it's the easiest dish to make and lets Christmas last a little bit longer. For my pie I had turkey, stuffing, pigs in blankets, cranberry sauce and gravy but really you can put in any left overs you have. I think the only core ingredients need to be the turkey and cranberry sauce.

I make my own pastry but you can buy some really good pre made pastries in the shops. The first step to making shortcrust pastry is to mix 350g of plain flour with 100g of unsalted butter (chilled and cut into cubes) and a pinch of salt. Rub this together with your fingers for a few minutes until you have a breadcrumb like texture. then add a few (usually 4-5) table spoons of water until it forms a ball of dough. Chill the ball of dough in the fridge until you're ready to roll.

In your pie dish start wth a small layer of gravy and then just add whatever ingredients your putting in and keep adding a bit more gravy with each layer. Save the cranberry sauce for the very top. Add some egg wash to the rim of the pie dish so the pastry stays in place and brush the top of the pie with more egg wash and bake for 25-30 minutes.

 Serve with some roast potatoes and lashings of gravy.

Well, that's all for now.


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  1. I am making this tonight it sounds lush!!!!

  2. What's leftovers?? strange and alien concept! This looks lush though. We did make a turkey curry on boxing day!


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